Get Your Direct Access to Technical Experts

✧ Are you having trouble doing a proper review of the month end data that your vessel sends you?
✧ Are all monthly reports getting converted to executable plans?
✧ Are frequent non-budget expenses creeping into your opex?
✧ Do you feel that your vessel could perform better and you can earn better with the existing systems?
✧ Do you feel that planned maintenance inspection performance and supply chain decisions
can be made more efficient and economical?

Service Areas

Our services covers OIL TANKERS, BULK CARRIERS AND LPG CARRIERS and is aimed to support all owners and vessel managers enhance monitoring and follow up of their vessels, with minimum impact on their budgets. The range of support services are as listed below and are available on a long-term subscription basis or as one-off requirement to suit your needs.

Planned Maintenance Review & Revisions

Review of Technical Managers Reports on Behalf of Owners

Preparation of All Types of Technical Reports

Review and Analysis of Critical Technical Monthly Reports

M-E Engine Training With Focus on Troubleshooting

Support For Survey and Service Preparation

Review and Analysis of Main & Auxiliary Engines Performance Reports

Dry Docking Support – Review and Verification of Specs, Analysis and Budget Preparation and comparison,

LO and Boiler Water Analysis – Reviews, Corrective and Preventive Action Followup

How we Work

We bring together a team of experienced professionals in maritime industry who are at the forefront of driving this initiative. Our team members have been in no less than the rank of Chief Engineer, with atleast 20 years of sailing experience..


Initial Vetting

✧ The vessel sends the reports to superintendents.
✧ Superintendents performs initial vetting and forwards the file to us.

Our Technical team

Review & Action

✧ The team provides a detailed review of data with all action points highlighted.
✧ We create vessel-based packages tailor-made to suit your needs.
✧ We provide concise reports to superintendents, showcasing the action points for the vessel.


Final Review & Execution

✧ Superintendents perform the final review of reports and forward it to the vessel.
✧ The vessel executes the action points in the report.



✧ The vessel provides the review feedback.

Free Evaluation