Chartering Service

Being in the shipping industry for many years and acting as Shipping Agency since 1983 for various Shipowners, Charterers, Operators, Shippers and receivers as well as the demand for vessels and cargoes from shippers in Iran and ship-owners worldwide especially in the Persian Gulf countries, prompted us to embark on having our own CHARTERING DEPARTMENT to serve the need of our clientele.

Today, our chartering department, which is run by highly experienced  team and rich  back ground in the field of chartering  is closely working with all parties (Ship-owners,  charterers, operators, trading houses , exporters and importers of various types of cargoes)  to ensure their chartering need is met promptly and within  their laycans requirements.

As a member of BIMCO Star Marine Services has access to Laws and Documentation to assist our Processing of documentation and charter parties plus it is an added  assurance for our clients and Principals worldwide..

Please send all your inquiries to or complete the inquiry form on our website.

More Details

  • Category: Agency Service

Serviced Locations / Ports

All Ports