Cargo Contamination Claims

What our Expeditors can do, is to turn an apparent total loss of high-quality cargo into the acceptance of a sound product

Experience, knowledge and contacts are essential to resolve cargo contamination claim. The challenges faced are due to the complexity of the cargo, location, lack of equipment or, misunderstandings due to different languages, local jurisdictions and politics.

Cargo contamination could be of either ship or shore origin. The contaminant may be water, another grade of cargo, a chemical additive, solid matter etc. The contaminant and the origin may be different, however, the results are the same – a loss of value and/or rejection of the cargo.

Our Expeditors are often requested by terminals, oil traders, shipbrokers and ship owners, to assist with contaminations of a high spec oil product cargoes. Before downgrading cargo, or declaring a total loss, appointing an Expeditor is the best approach to the issue. The work scope will include but not limited to:

  • Investigate and identify the source and type of contamination
  • Reduce the ship/shore debate time and delays
  • Provide en enhanced line of communication
  • Provide onsite dispute resolution
  • Advise on solutions – filtration, blending, appropriate additives
  • Create, organise and supervise plan for bringing the cargo on spec

Our knowledge covers chemical cargoes, clean petroleum products, vegetable oils and more. Our Expeditors are backed up 24/7 by UK based chemists and experts, with extensive oil and chemical cargo analysis experience.

We will be happy to discuss your requirements further.

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  • Category: Agency Service

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