Japan Marine Group

Shipping Agent, Spare Manufacturer, Spare Supplier

The manufacturers specialize in fabrication/manufactures/sub-contract spares for various Japanese Marine Equipment’S. JMS has entered in to various exclusive agreements with them to distribute these products as well as the products of other network makers to the worldwide market.
With the dedicated procurement and marketing worldwide and dedicated back office in Chennai which is one of the modern Indian Metro city on coromandal coast , we are able to cut down the operation cost , which eventually is passed on to our clients.

We are a trusted name in the marine industry and deal in Japanese, Korean and European spare parts.  Our technically trained and competitive workforce strive to not only meet but exceed customers’ expectations. We are one of the most reliable suppliers, successfully serving our customers worldwide for years.


The commitment guarantee we offer our clients is based on the strength of our company. A strength which is rooted in our structure, in our significant geographic and personalized presence, in our specialization and in our proven independence and loyalty as professionals. Without mentioning, the core strength of JMS Group is its network of joint partnership and partners with special expertise in particular equipment.
These joint partnerships assure the customers of qualified and reliable services on a worldwide basis. The joint partnerships supplement us to achieve the primary mission of offering competitive, flexible and reliable international maritime spares supply services that meet the needs of our customers.


By expanding and Pursuing opportunities whenever we find the right balance between risk and reward. By continuously seeking to improve and differentiate our services to our customers. At JMS Group, we see change not as a threat, but as an opportunity.
We leave no stones unturned in our effort to be customer’s preferred partner. To this end, we insist on high ethical standards. We are quick to respond to changes in our customer’s needs. Our investment in people, technology and vendors attest to our long-term commitment to our customers. We strive to provide reliable quality services at competitive prices together with a highly qualified and motivated staff to deliver on our promise.


We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization. An ISO 9001:2015 certificate proves that our Quality Management System has been certified against a best practice standard and found compliant. Issued by a third party certification body/registrar, the certificate lets customers know they can trust us and we have implemented the necessary internal processes to meet obligations.

Service / Business Offerings:
  • Spare Supply
  • Spare & Equipment Manufacturer

Service Ports:
  • All Ports

JMS Towers , 2nd Floor , 28/57, Vepery High Road, Chennai, 600007
Tamil Nadu, India


Tel: +91 4442106185
Tel: +91 4442106186
Fax: +91 4442697187



  • Marine Spare Parts

    Category: Spare Parts  |  Type: Genuine Original Equipment Parts  |  Condition: New