Shipping Agent, Spare Manufacturer, Spare Supplier

About us
We at Asian Ship Suppliers, provide all the services related to Ship Supplies & Marine Industry. We take utmost care providing best of the service to all the merchant vessels calling various ports.


We have our Head Office at Port Kandla, wherein we carry out our administration & operations office from where we carry out our marketing /sales & accounting works We have our own warehouse of 5000 sq. meters where we have docked up all the major items of deck/engine/cabin stores.

Delivery/supplies to Ships

This is the area work where we care maximum care during our operations. Again , it is in this scope of work, where we leave our competitors far behind. Our track record of delivering stores & materials IN TIME is impeccable. Our delivery standards are highest to the smallest of supplies. Our operational staff works 24×7 for supplies at Port area & inner & outer anchorages also.

Packing & Transport

The packing & coding of the materials / stores is an important area when it comes marine supplies. The unique coding method we use becomes easy for the ship’ s staff for identifying the materials and above all, it is a time saving method for the ships which are on tight schedule. All the materials are transported in our own vehicles, due to which there is a large amount of co-ordinations between the working staff & time saving process for the ship is high.

Service / Business Offerings:
  • Crew changes
  • Repair Service
  • Manning & Crewing Services
  • Inland Transportation
  • Port Agency Service
  • Cargo Agents
  • Ship Chandlers
  • Logistics and Transportation
  • Spare Supply
  • Freight Forwarding

Service Ports:
  • All Ports in India

206 Aum Corner Opp Axis Ban Plot No 336/337 Gandhidham, Kutch, 370201


Tel: +91 2836224458
Tel: +91 9898554266
Fax: +91 2836225446


  • Provisional Storing:

    Category: Provisions  |  Type: Genuine Original Equipment Parts  |  Condition: New
  • Technical Storing

    Category: Deck Items  |  Type: Genuine Original Equipment Parts  |  Condition: New