Do you find the new wave of digitalization challenging?


We Provide Highly Reliable & Effective Business Solutions

VesselDeals is a company that is dedicated to making the procurement processes in the maritime industry seamless and convenient. At VesselDeals, we strive to raise the industry standards high by providing clients with access to the most affordable rates available through our market-intelligent bidding process. We are committed to our goal of revolutionizing and simplifying the process of procurement of supplies, spare parts, and any other services related to the shipping industry.

We bring together a team of experienced professionals in the IT and maritime industry who are at the forefront of harnessing the potential of technological advancements to redefine the procurement process.  We value all the efforts you are making in your business journey, and our services are here to support you, every step of the way. Create a profile for your business today, and we will take your business to a whole new level!

Grow Your Business

Join us to expand your networking and business opportunities with a community of other reputable companies in the maritime industry and other related industries.

We offer a safety net for ship-owners, ship agents, ship handlers, ship managers, manufacturers, and spare part supplier against the challenges in the industry.

Open RFQ & Purchase Orders

Our customized RFQ process guarantees that only the best market prices are shortlisted and availed for each client to choose, based on their preference and budget.

Our purchase order systems send invoices between customers and service providers, to help them keep track of their sales and purchases.

Create free business profiles

We allow users to create free business profiles pages to raise awareness of the goods and services they offer to attract potential clients.

These profile pages can be used as business profiles to promote their services while simultaneously acting as excellent backlinks that can potentially boost their SEO rankings.


Happy Customers


Overall Listing


Deals Closed

Simple Digitalization

Take advantage of lower operational costs, digitized documentation, and enhanced customer services.

Ship Husbandry Services

Procurement of Ship Deck, Cabin, Engine & Bonded stores. Executing Crew Exchanges & Cash to Captain.

Finding Port Service & Maintenance assistance

Leverage our platform to get access to your apt Service & Maintenance providers & also make seamless Bunkering services.

Spare Parts

Procure Spare parts using our market intelligent bidding process. We offer a targeted and open bidding options to narrow your reach.

Outsource Superintendents Tasks

This service is aimed to support all owners and vessel managers enhance monitoring and follow up of their vessels, with minimum impact on their budgets

Ready to get started? It’s fast, free and very easy!

Listen From Customers

Few words from our trusted partners.