Vessel Audits

Value Added Services

1. Ship Board Audits

  • ISM Audits:
  • International Ship & Port facility Security (ISPS):
  • Quality Management (ISO 9000)
ISM Audits:

SSA Shipmanagement can carry out independent Safety and ISM audits to ensure that vessel is complying with the necessary safety standards and the company’s Safety Management System. We conduct annual planned ISM audits of shipboard procedures and provide guidance for improvement of safety practices and corrective action on identified deficiencies. We also conduct unplanned safety audits of shipboard procedures (following complaints or incidents).

International Ship & Port facility Security (ISPS):

SSA Shipmanagement conducts ISPS code education and training.
We keep abreast with and work closely with the regulatory bodies to understand and better apply the maritime
security requirements.
The focus of our audits is to ensure that your vessels are in fact continuously meeting the security requirements of the ISPS Code in word, deed and in spirit. We are focused to ensure safe and secure practices are implemented on board to ensures a smooth turn-around in ports and safe passages at sea. Audits are conducted periodically as per the requirements of the Code and your company’s convenience. Our structured approach shall ensure your ships continuously adhere to the requirements of the Ship Security Plan and best practices.

Quality Management (ISO 9000)

Over the years it has been proved that Quality alone sustains continued business growth and it is no wonder that more and more industries are turning to ISO 9001:2000 standards for management of quality of their products and services.
SSA Shipmanagement can assist you in achieving compliance with the ISO 9001:2000 standards for Quality Management of you ships and office work procedures.

We offer stewardship through

The best practice guide promulgated by the Tanker industry has become the benchmark against which Oil Majors measure the operators of tankers.
SSA Shipmanagement can assist in compliance with the TMSA requirements, especially by conducting independent navigation audits on board ships and evaluations of your office. Our audits can assist you improve your management systems rapidly to meet the most stringent requirements of TMSA with minimum expense and hassles.

3. Vessel Inspections

  • Pre Vetting inspections
  • Pre-purchase inspections
  • Safety condition assessment
  • Charterer inspections
  • Flag state inspections
Pre-Vetting inspections:

We have experienced superintendents who have prepared various vessels and successes fully presented them for different SIRE Oil Major Inspections. We carryout Pre Vetting inspections and help eliminating noted observations prior to Oil Major Inspections. Owners benefit from this preparatory inspection by ensuring that the vessel is presented to Oil Major’s in best condition of maintenance and staff awareness. We ensure that all Major defects are eliminated and ships staff is trained with appropriate answers for questions expected to be asked by Oil Major Inspector.

Pre-purchase inspections

Having a Condition Assessment of vessels prior to purchase, taking over technical management or chartering is very vital to ensure trouble free commercial operations.
SSA Shipmanagement can carry out Pre-purchase inspections and assist you to make strategic decisions about taking a ship under your wings.
Our experience, together with standardized reporting procedures, guarantees superior service.

Safety condition assessment: Ensure your asset value

The commercial value of a vessel is dependent on a lot of factors, including market conditions that you have little or no control over. However, what you do have control over is how well the asset value of the vessel is maintained by the shore based and shipboard management. We can assist you evaluate the safety condition of the vessel through our shipboard assessment program.
With a thorough condition assessment, you will benefit by getting a comprehensive picture of the vessel and the consequences of letting her continue in service. Our reports shall outline for you the necessary improvement solutions to keep her fully operational and compliant with regulations applicable at the time.

Charterer inspections: When time is money

The difference between a good ship and a ‘great’ ship is the ability of the ship to consistently meet the demands of the charter party terms. In a world where the physical condition of the ship coupled with vessel management systems determine the eventual outcome of the voyage, it is important for the charterer to get an all round evaluation of the prospective vessel before they are hired.
The inspectors at SSA Shipmanagement have the necessary skills to evaluate the ships condition and the management system to give you the larger picture.

Flag state inspections: Assisting in better governance

SSA Shipmanagement can ensure that your vessels calling any port in India, Singapore and Indonesia complete the mandatory annual safety inspection seamlessly.
You benefit from the experience that our inspectors bring to the vessel giving you a better understanding of the condition of the vessel and the reliability of the management systems.

4. Dry docking support:

Dry-docking is the most critical and essential stage of ship maintenance to ensure that the ship remains sea worthy at all times and continues to earn revenue.

A successful dry-docking should be measured as a best possible combination of

  • Complete assessment of the ship and scope of repairs. So as to ensure vessel thereafter complies
    and meets international standards and industry requirements.

  • Selection of an efficient shipyard with required expertise. Required diversion, Skill and Workman ship
    of yard personnel’s, capability of shipyard etc along with availability of required type of technicians, ease in connecting required spares etc also determine suitability of shipyards.

  • Complying with the current and future regulation

  • Optimizing repair schedule and redelivery of the ship

SSA Shipmanagement can assist you through expertise in commercial, technical and regulatory aspects thus ensuring total satisfaction of the ship operator. SSA Shipmanagement has wide experience in dry-docking repairs of various types of vessels

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  • Category: Audits

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