Shivang Trading

Shipping Agent, Spare Supplier

Welcome to Shivang Trading Co. (India) Pvt. Ltd.

We, Shivang Trading Company (India) Pvt. Ltd., incorporated in INDIA under Companies Act, 1956 (No. 1 of 1956) with Ministry Of Corporate affairs, is the leading Ship supplier of all kinds of products to Shipping, Oil Exploration & Production Companies, Offshore and other diverse industries We continually strive to make your work simple by presenting the convenience of dealing with a single agency for all your needs. A Company extended with branches all over in India.

A ship chandler is a person who exclusively deals in supplying for a shipping vessel its required commodities. In other words, A Ship Chandler just like a grocer supplies food grains to households, a ship chandler supplies essentially required commodities to a ship. Because of this exclusivity and the nature of the profession, it so happens that each and every ship chandler is held in high esteem and regard.

Service / Business Offerings:
  • Crew changes
  • Repair Service
  • Ship Agents
  • Ship Chandlers
  • Spare Supply
  • Ship Repair

Service Ports:
  • Chennai
  • Kakinada
  • Kolkata
  • Mumbai
  • Tuticorin
  • Visakhapatnam

Office No. 202, Plot No. 309, Sindhu 1 Building, Ward 12-B, Gandhidham, Kutch, 370201


Tel: +91 2836234938
Tel: +91 9727984449


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