Spare Manufacturer, Spare Supplier

As a comprehensive manufacturer of electrical equipment for ships, we develop and provide highly reliable products that support safe navigation.

Meet all vessel needs, from small fishing vessels to large vessels, passenger vessels, and government vessels

Since our founding as a manufacturer of electrical equipment for ships in 1917, we have accumulated a wealth of achievements over the past century. Today, we deliver highly reliable electrical equipment to a wide variety of vessels, from small vessels for fishing and domestic vessels to large vessels such as container vessels and passenger vessels for ocean voyages, as well as large tankers such as bulk carriers and VLCCs. I am.
Based on the peculiarities of each ship and the needs of the new era, we are always working on product development with “quality and technology” in mind.

As a total supplier of electrical equipment for ships

As a leading manufacturer of electrical equipment for ships, we manufacture and sell electric equipment such as generators, various electric motors, ventilators, switchboards, starters, and main engine monitoring panels, as well as system products such as shaft power generators and inverter control devices. going.
In Japan, we are the only company in Japan that can collectively deliver important electrical equipment, including rotating machines and their control, as well as monitoring of the main engine and main auxiliary equipment on board. Utilizing the abundant experience and achievements unique to such a “total supplier”, we provide equipment and systems according to the special environment of each ship, and have earned high trust not only from Japan but also from overseas shipping and shipbuilding industries. I am.

Service / Business Offerings:
  • Spare Supply

Service Ports:
  • All Ports

〒101-0047 1-16-8, Uchikanda, 101-0047
Chiyoda-ku, Japan


Tel: +81 32933061

Fax: +81 32927012



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