Cape Africa Marine Suppliers (Pty) Ltd

Shipping Agent, Spare Supplier

Situated at Africa’s southernmost point where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet, this port is of major economic and geographical importance.

The warehouse situated in Paardeneiland, and is 3 minutes away from Cape Town Harbor. Supplies to Saldanha Bay are also sent from Cape Town.

Expert Advice

Every item we supply is the special baby of one of our buyers, and they should either know to answer your questions, or how to quickly find the answer. If you need expert advice: Just ask, we are here to give you the best products and the best advice.


Another important factor is selection. Getting the correct products into the hands of the customer when their vessel vary, vastly in size, concept and purpose. This means our inventory must vary greatly as well.

Knowledgeable, Experienced Ship Chandler

So check us out. Give us a chance to quote. Ask questions, Rant, Argue, Cajole… and if need be allow us to lend you a yardstick or tape measure. The one thing we understand at Cape Africa Marine Suppliers ship suppliers is that knowledgeable, experienced Owners, Captains and Managers are our best customers!


Service / Business Offerings:
  • Crew changes
  • Manning & Crewing Services
  • Port Agency Service
  • Ship Agents
  • Ship Chandlers
  • Spare Supply
  • Warehousing

Service Ports:
  • Cape Town
  • Saldanha Bay
Certificates & Awards:
International Ship Suppliers & Services Association
International Ship Suppliers & Services Association

Registered Member


41 Neptune Street, Cape Town, 7405
Paarden Eiland, South Africa


Tel: +27 215114927

Fax: +27 215114838


  • Life & Fire/Safety Saving Equipment:

    Category: Safety Gears  |  Type: Genuine Original Equipment Parts  |  Condition: New
  • Marine Electronics:

    Category: Marine Electronics, Communication & Navigation Equipments  |  Type: Genuine Original Equipment Parts  |  Condition: New
  • Electronics and Office Equipment:

    Category: Others  |  Type: Genuine Original Equipment Parts  |  Condition: New
  • Deck and Engine Stores

    Category: Deck Items  |  Type: Genuine Original Equipment Parts  |  Condition: New
  • Cabin Stores

    Category: Deck Items  |  Type: Genuine Original Equipment Parts  |  Condition: New
  • Bonded Stores

    Category: Provisions  |  Type: Genuine Original Equipment Parts  |  Condition: New
  • Provisions Store

    Category: Provisions  |  Type: Genuine Original Equipment Parts  |  Condition: New
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